Friday, March 13, 2015

Our True Identity

I want to share one of my Life Lessons.

One of my favorite quotes is by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (don't really know how to say that). He said:

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. 

We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

It is a profound, thought-provoking quote. It challenges us to think about where we came from, who we are, and why we are here. 

This has given me perspective on my life that I never really had before. I want to learn more about myself, and my true identity. I don't know all of the answers about life, but I do know that we all have spirits housed in our bodies. They possess great power and divine characteristics that we can access only if we desire.

I would invite you to examine your life and think about who you really are. What divine qualities and attributes do you possess that you have yet to learn? 

Please share this Life Lesson for all to read. Not everyone reads this blog yet, but you can change that with a simple click of a button. We can all learn from each other and we can all benefit from each other's Life Lessons. 

Have a Life Lesson you want to share? Submit one here!